Today, I feel good! It’s true that I haven’t slept a wink for two days but I feel good, really good and somehow relieved. In two days I’ve gone to the toilet more than I usually go in a week. It’s probably the nerves but I have high hopes placed in this Camino and I want everything to turn out well.
The alarm clock rang at 06:00. I drove my son Juan to school, and by 09:00 we were off to Luton Airport. By 15:00 (Spanish time) I was landing in Madrid. It’s 21:00 LT now and we are finally at Pamplona after a 5 hours journey by car. During this journey I have had the feeling that I have forgotten something. But what was it?
The winter and cycling solo the Camino set the minimum equipment I should take with me. I can’t give up anything mainly for my own safety. I carry extra kilos not only of personal items but also some extra weight I have put on the last weeks. What a shame! I was so fit and handsome!
I’ll spend the night with my dad, my aunty and my cousin. We’ll eat, drink and laugh because that’s what we are in Navarra for. Tomorrow, I’ll pick up the bike, I’ll check that everything is OK, I’ll pack the panniers and I’ll travel to France. There I’ll be looking for the Pilgrim Office where I’ll get my first stamp on my Pilgrim Passport. After that I need to find a place in the public hostel to spend the nigh so I can get ready for my first stage. That will be the hardest one.......and by then I will realise what that thing I was forgetting was.
Any suggestions will be appreciated now that I still have some time left.
Good night and a big hug for all of you. I’ll now drink a very well deserve glass of Spanish wine.
The alarm clock rang at 06:00. I drove my son Juan to school, and by 09:00 we were off to Luton Airport. By 15:00 (Spanish time) I was landing in Madrid. It’s 21:00 LT now and we are finally at Pamplona after a 5 hours journey by car. During this journey I have had the feeling that I have forgotten something. But what was it?
The winter and cycling solo the Camino set the minimum equipment I should take with me. I can’t give up anything mainly for my own safety. I carry extra kilos not only of personal items but also some extra weight I have put on the last weeks. What a shame! I was so fit and handsome!
I’ll spend the night with my dad, my aunty and my cousin. We’ll eat, drink and laugh because that’s what we are in Navarra for. Tomorrow, I’ll pick up the bike, I’ll check that everything is OK, I’ll pack the panniers and I’ll travel to France. There I’ll be looking for the Pilgrim Office where I’ll get my first stamp on my Pilgrim Passport. After that I need to find a place in the public hostel to spend the nigh so I can get ready for my first stage. That will be the hardest one.......and by then I will realise what that thing I was forgetting was.
Any suggestions will be appreciated now that I still have some time left.
Good night and a big hug for all of you. I’ll now drink a very well deserve glass of Spanish wine.
P.S. I’m already stressed out over all the things I still have to do tomorrow...and the day after that!
Hoy me siento bien. Es cierto que hace dos días que no pego ojo, pero me siento bien, muy bien, y por cierto, aliviado. He ido mas veces al baño en dos días que en toda una semana. Serán los nervios, pero es que son muchas las ilusiones puestas en este Camino y todo tiene que salir bien.
El despertador ha sonado a las 06:00. He llevado a mi hijo Juan al cole y a las 09:00 estábamos saliendo de Thame con rumbo a Luton. Despegue a las 12.00. Aterrizaje a las 15:00 españolas en Madrid. Son las 21:00 y por fin estamos en Pamplona. Durante todo el viaje me ha acompañado la sensación de saber que te dejas algo. Pero el que?
El invierno y el Camino en solitario marcan un equípo mínimo al que no debo ni puedo renunciar, por seguridad. Son kilos extras de equipaje pero también personales y que he ganado estas últimas semanas. Lástima! Con lo mono y buenorro que estaba yo...
Esta noche la pasaré con mi padre, mi tía y mi prima. Comeremos, beberemos y reiremos que para eso estamos en Navarra; y mañana a recoger la bicicleta, comprobar que todo funciona, cargar las alforjas, viajar a Francia, buscar la oficina del pregrino, sellar la Compostelana, buscar el albergue municipal, instalarme, prepararme para la etapa mas dura del Camino...y entonces y solo entonces, caeré en la cuenta de aquello que se me olvidaba.
Por cierto, se aceptan sugerencias ahora que todavía estamos a tiempo.
Un abrazo muy fuerte a todos y hasta mañana, que servidor se va a tomar un vinito español a vuestra salud.
PD. Ya me estoy estresando de todo lo que tengo que hacer mañana... y pasado!
PD. Ya me estoy estresando de todo lo que tengo que hacer mañana... y pasado!
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Luton Airport · Aeropuerto de Luton |
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Madrid Mountains - Sierra de Madrid |
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Madrid blue sky · El cielo azul de Madrid |
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My still empty Pilgrim Passport · La credencial de peregrino todavía vacía |
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With my aunt Pili · Con mi tía Pili |
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Spanish Wine · Vinito español |